Monday, September 22, 2014

Week 77 (9/22/14)

This turned out a lot longer than I was thinking! So sorry about that!!! 

I know you all are probably wanting this really deep, spiritual, last email from me as a full time missionary... And I thought about making a hilarious list of all the crazy things I've learned and talking about experiences... But really... That would take forever and I don't want to go all deep on you! 
But then I realized that the only thing really standing at the end of this is my testimony. And that's what is the very most important thing that I have gained this past year and a half. 

I honestly thought I had a pretty solid testimony coming out on my mission. I thought I knew a lot! I thought I had the knowledge I needed to get me through not only my mission, but my whole life (talk about a big head). Everyone would talk about how hard the mission was going to be, I just thought they were all a bunch of babies. 

Well... I thought a lot of things... I should probably stop doing that because I was completely wrong! 

The hardest thing about the mission, when you put aside the homesickness, long hours, and emotional drama is all the change. 

And I did not like change...

I learned very quickly that being on the front lines takes a lot more than just putting on a skirt and a name tag. 

The real question is whether we are willing to literally give up everything for our Savior and His work. Then the change comes shortly after you make that decision, and it's the hardest and most rewarding part of it all. You see not only change in yourself and in your testimony, but more importantly change in the lives of every single person you have some kind of emotional tie to. Whether you've just met, or known them your whole life. 

The change I've seen so many people make to come closer to our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ has changed me. Every single person I've met here on my mission has played a roll in the development of my testimony. Little things people have said or done have impacted me more than I think I even know. All of you have showed me more and more of who I am, and have helped me come closer to my Savior. I know everyone thinks that's the missionaries job, but as I've helped people come closer I've come even closer myself. 

The hardest part is accepting when others do not make the choices you know will make them happy. I've had some of the most joyful, exciting, and purely happiest times in my life seeing others come to Christ. But I've also been almost killed emotionally and experienced some of the most painful sorrow I have ever felt seeing those I love chose a different path. It's hard because the love, especially as a set apart representative of Jesus Christ, is so deep that it kills you knowing what they are missing. But I know that it will all be okay if I continue to love and trust my Father in Heaven. :) He knows us, and has a plan. If we will listen, we can know of our personal plan with Him. 

I know with all my heart that this gospel changes people's lives. I know that it is because of our Redeemer that this change happens. I know that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of our Heavenly Father, and that he is our Savior. I know that he lives now, and that he overcame everything because he loves us, and he loves Heavenly Father. I know that it is through Him that we can be healed and transformed into who we are meant to become. I know that he did it all because he loves us, and that love has, and will continue to change the world. 
I know that love is the most important part about this work. The main goal I had at the beginning of my mission, was that at the the end, I wanted to see people more like our Heavenly Father sees them. And because of Him, I have been able to do that. I'm still not perfect at it, but it's a whole lot easier to love people when you think of how the Savior would see them. And that is how we become more like Him. 

I know that my family can be together forever. That knowledge keeps me going every day and is the reason I am here today. 
I love this gospel more than anything. It is the MOST IMPORTANT THING TO ME IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD, and I KNOW that it is true.

I know that this is all for real. 
Yes, real life!!
This happiness can come to ANYONE. It may sound impossible. But the path is simple. It's not easy, but the gospel of Jesus Christ is simple, and it's meant for everyone. We just have to want it, and be wiling to work! :) 

Obviously, that is barely scraping my testimony, but it is what's in my heart right now :) 

I feel very blessed to have had so many people, seen and not seen, by my side. I truly have felt your prayers and support through everything and it's meant the world to me. I know I couldn't have done it without you. I sincerely thank you for helping me do my favorite thing, be a small part in his work, and for helping me help these crazy Floridians that I have come to love so much more than I ever through possible! :) It's SOOOOO hard to leave, but I now that I'll have more missionary opportunities later on, and that I'll get to continue to see those that have changed my life here in the FTM. :) 

I love you all more than I can even put into words! 
Keep going and NEVER EVER GIVE UP! I promise it will be worth it in the end :) 

NOW you see this sister missionary side of me come out.... ;) 

See you soon! 

Love, Sister Nicole Lee Calder 

Florida Tampa Mission 

Week 76 (9/15/14)

Here's the biggest tragedy of Florida- no one knows what scones are!
Well, I guess no one meaning a couple people, but still... And the
word "Navajo taco" confuses them quite a bit... My new goal is to
bring a scone bus to Florida to introduce these crazies to delicious

I would also like to shout out to sister Leicht... thanks for feeding
me corn on the cob and making me potatoes and chicken without onions.
She even made me my own little pan :). So then Matt and I didn't have
to eat onions. :) best mission mom ever.

This week has been full of a lot of crazyness. I don't dare go into
detail because I'm afraid I'll have to re-live it in my head. The
drama of the mission and the Sebring ward combined might just be a
little too much for my head right now. But! We're not giving up!

I've been thinking a lot about feeling too comfortable lately. I've
been on my mission a little while, and there are times where I've
gotten to comfortable with what I'm doing. Too comfortable with the
spirit, studies, the sacrament, and everything else in the gospel.
It's a little hard not to when you're doing it 24/7. Everything just
becomes so normal you barely think about it half the time.

But I've realized how important it is to check yourself often. Look at
where you stand and where you are headed. If you think you're standing
still, you're probably going backwards.
I have been in one of those slumps lately. I feel like I've just been
going through the motions with hardly any thought to anything. So this
morning I was praying and asking for guidance, and then I realized

I wasn't asking enough questions.

Questions are how we receive spiritual guidance and revelation from
our Heavenly Father. We need that conversation and guidance. I've just
been telling him about everything and asking for his help, but I
wasn't asking him HOW I needed to do it.

So I asked a specific question, and got my answer right away. Right
then, I knew He was there, and that He was aware of even my silliest
thoughts and questions.

Then this morning I was reading in 3 Nephi 14. It talks a lot about
asking and receiving (as does most of the Book of Mormon). And again I
felt the spirit confirm to me that I was a daughter of my Heavenly
Father, and that he loved me and wanted to give me the things that I
asked for, but I just had to do it. :)

So that's one way I've figured out how to get out of the spiritual
slump! Ask a question, and you'll get answer. :) also- take the
sacrament seriously and really using that time only to think about the
Savior will tie it all in. I've been doing that a lot more lately and
have seen a difference in the way I feel before, during, and after.

Love, Sister Nicole Calder

11 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your
children, how much more shall your Father who is in heaven give good
things to them that ask him?

3 Nephi 14:11

Zone Development Day, getting Jeffery the lamb


More Zone Development Day

We biked 45 miles in 2 days so we thought we deserved some pretzel pizza from Little Caesar's. Best thing ever!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Week 75 (9/8/14)

The other week we were walking around looking for people to talk to
and we saw this guy on his driveway... As we started teaching him the
restoration My angels are names Nicole. Surprisingly, I remembered my
first name. When I told him that was my name he was very surprised so
I told him he should definitely take it as a sign.

I've been in Florida for 17 months and only been attacked by fire ants
once, and that was my  very first week. I've been bitten more than
once by a couple or just one of those little nasty things but only
attacked once. Until Saturday!!!! Ugh. I always walk through the grass
and have never had a problem, but yeah.... Those things... Let's just
say that combined with my  fire ant bites, blisters, sty in my eye,
and my new manly sore throat voice I'll be coming home looking like a

Here's the real highlight of my whole entire life- Nathaniel bore his
testimony on Sunday! We had this deal that if I went up than we would
go up :) so I whispered to him that I wanted to go up so he should
come after me. He said- "well, maybe next week". I then explained to
him that there wouldn't be a next week- it was next month, and that I
wasn't going to be there. So he just says-"okay". So I jump up and
then he said his right after mine. It was the best testimony ever! He
told everyone about how his life had changed and how he's a "can of
raid"hahaha. All his friends don't hang around him anymore because
they know he's good and won't tolerate their drinking, smoking, or
language. But he's still the nicest guy ever!

One of our members said- "there isn't a drop of evil in that guy."
Everyone just adores him! I love him so much!! We had a jam session
with him... With hymns. Since he loves music we've been helping him
feel the spirit that way. It's amazing because it's exactly how I feel
the spirit as well :)

I love this work and I love my savior. I know that this is his work
and that this is so important. This really is a war, and it's a fight.
I see it every day. But we will win, so just get on the right side :)

I love you all!

Love, Sister Nicole Calder

P.S. For all my insane BYU fanatic family- yes, I do know BYU's new
football player Harvey Langi... Or as we'd say, Elder Langi. :) I
served with in Naples my first transfer and we had a blast! He's an

awesome guy.

A cute member!